3000GT HID KIT (10)
Your Mitsubishi 3000GT needs a powerful HID kits that will enable it give out powerful light when time of need comes You have a wide variety of kits to choose from our online stores. The xenon bulbs are available in different bulb sizes and quality for you to sample and come out with one that suits your cars needs and your nocturnal activities. You will get quality parking lights, headlights and turning lights for your 3000GT vehicle and for sure you will not relent in upping your game and quality of your cars out look. The bulbs are all ready for shipping to your destination and preferred location just like you instruct us. The prices to this xenon bulbs and kits are very affordable and anyone can manage and afford getting something for the vehicle. On top of giving you the best services and products you will be treated with utmost prompt that you deserve.DIAMANTE HID KIT (10)
The diamante needs a powerful light and good lighting system is all we are giving you in our many and well stocked stores. We are giving you all the necessary kits and wiring for each product we are selling you. The night drives and expeditions will not be a stress anymore with our after market HID kits. The HIDS are sold in very low prices and they are of good quality and conditions after they are well tested and pass all the required standard measures and provisions put for a good lighting bulb. The bulbs are also in many and different sizes and quality for you to choose from and buy. The team of engineers is also available to listen to your provision and description of the HID kit you want for your vehicle before they actually give you the product and the warranty. You are not far from getting what you want just; check out for your self.ECLIPSE HID KIT (10)
Mitubishi Eclipse HID Kit for that custom look. Upgrade your Eclipse headlights with an aftermarket HID kit upgrade from No matter if you have a 1995 or 2008, you don't need to worry about the fitment, we will get you the parts you need. One thing that most motorists worry about is the year of make for their vehicles and they usually think that old cars and vehicles can not be upgraded; this is a wrong perception because with us you are rest assured to get all the kits and gargets for your Mitsubishi Eclipse no matter what the year manufacture is. An Eclipse HID kit 6000K HID kit will produce thrice more light compared to the halogen kits. The xenon light kits are also available in low and affordable price hence you should not worry about your savings and pocket capability. The kits that you will get from our stores are all submitted to through check up and inspection to make sure they are all updated and of superior quality. Apart from the low prices and the prompt delivery to your destination, we will also give y6ou a warranty to take care of your products incases of emergencies and damage.ENDEAVOR HID KIT (10)
You could be the owner of the known superb Mitsubishi Endeavor but your drives at night or fogy days aren’t making you the happiest. You could avoid all the disappointments by having your model vehicle fitted with Mitsubishi Endeavor headlight meant to give you the best and brightest lights ever known. The classic lights are made with unique quality consideration and that is why they have ISO-9001 Certification and E-Mark which are internationally recognized for high product qualification. Nonetheless, the HID Kits are built to give different light colors. You only need to plug, no more no less. They are automatically designed to give the best lights ever. A light beam whether high or low which the headlights are made to give are three times higher than the lights given by the traditional halogen bulbs. We are meant to give you the best of the best headlights which has undergone an independent test and found to stand the headlights test.EVOLUTION HID KIT (10)
What is your pride if you own a Mitsubishi Evolution with poor headlights that are not able to give lights that go beyond 1 mile away? It is certain that you will have no pride to show other motorist driving at night especially when you plunge into the ditches or knock objects simply because you are not able to see them. That’s why you need to get the only known Mitsubishi Evolution HID headlight which is purposely designed to give the best lumen lights ever. The HID Kits are designed to give three times the light that traditional halogen bulbs are able to produce. Is this not amazing? For the best performance of your car you have no option but to get the HID Kit which sells very cheap. Apart from the unique price which is after market, you will also get a 1 year warranty on every HID Kit parts. The lights are durable and can operate for 3000 hours which could be the possible lifespan of your Mitsubishi Evolution. This means once buy forever use.FTO HID KIT (10)
You can upgrade the factory headlights of your model vehicle of Mitsubishi FTO HID with the superb and heavy duty Mitsubishi FTO HID Kit to get the best road illumination ever. You don’t need to knock objects when driving at night or fall in a ditch if you could get the best headlights meant to keep darkness away form the vehicles by many miles away. The Digital HID Kit Slim Ballasts are some of the most unique products of the Mitsubishi Evolution and come with 100% digital high quality. They are very easy to install and will never take more of your extra time. The HID Kit is waterproof therefore you don’t need to worry when driving out in the rains. We ensure that once come forever use and that is why we only sell our products at much reduced prices to enable all purchase and have them work in their vehicle for about 3000 hours which could be the vehicle lifetime. Only 35 Watts of electricity is consumed by our stereotype HID Kit Xenon Bulbs.GALANT HID KIT (10)
You should not risk your safety and that of your car as well; make the lighting modification with one of our fabulous custom Mitsubishi galant HID kits and bulbs available on the market. The xenon lights are of supreme quality resulting from the latest technology involved in their manufacture. The durability possessed by the kits is unrivaled so when you browse for the xenon light products and be guaranteed the best deal. In addition, you will get the opportunity to select your desired HID kit from the huge selection available online or in the store. Our HID kits emit the longest, widest and the strongest beam of light that enables you to get the best visibility of the road and looks. You will never worry about colliding with other cars on the road during night periods or smog and rainy weather conditions. Save today on your Mitsubishi galant xenon lights by buying the most affordable HID kits in the markets.L200 HID KITS (10)
There can be no other way to reach for stars and take back the night than with the one of its own kind Mitsubishi L200 HID kits. The premier quality products are very readily available in our custom markets at affordable prices and myriad selections. If you are looking for durability, efficiency, performance or beauty L200 HID kit is the deal for you. Hurry and get your product now and be assured of powerful or high light intensity emission and 100 percent functionality. The HID kits are very simple to fix and do not require any special skills to install. Within 30 minutes, you are done with the installation if you follow the easy to interpret installation instructions and videos. The gadgets adjust instantly to the system. You will be the one to blame if you fail to embrace these fantastic deals at the best market prices. No need to glide with difficulties and uncertainty when you can make improvements with Mitsubishi L200 xenon lights.LANCER HID KIT (10)
If you are looking for super high quality HID kit upgrade for your Mitsubishi lancer, a Mitsubishi lancer HID kit is surely the product to go for. You can easily get the product of your taste from the yellow, extreme white, diamond white, iceberg blue, brilliant blue and violet purple color options as well as temperature options that are available in our stores. Make your vehicle real with real xenon lights that require no modification to fit into your car, provides high light output at less current usage, an easy plug and play design and installs in less than thirty minutes. With the HID conversion kit, you will pride in headlights with three times much brightness than the ordinary factory lights. There is no need to continue getting low intensity discharge from your factory lights, when you can cut on your maintenance cost as well with a Mitsubishi lancer HID kit. Experience is the best way to judge the performance of these light products, so hurry and get your own.MIGHTY MAX HID KIT (10)
You definitely got something to change your night rides that have looked boring over the years. There is the new Mitsubishi mighty max designed with the latest technology that has brought a new revolution in the lighting circle of vehicles. It is a plug and play xenon HID kit that does not give you little or no trouble when fitting on your car. Mighty Max xenon HID kit is also available in varying sizes and colors to provide you with the options to make your choice. These HID kit has the pedigree to save power; that’s, it uses only35W hence stands out as a three times e4ffecient HID kit when compared with the halogen bulbs. Besides it’s easy to install character, it lasts longer (it survives for over 2500 hours and has a four year free maintenance. Mighty Max HID kit is known to produce over 300% of brightness hence provides an added percentage in the distance. Above all, this HID kit is affordable and is a real lighting friend you can purchase for your car.MIRAGE HID KIT (11)
The new Mitsubishi Mirage xenon HID kit in the latest HID kit to hit the market with improved lighting and features that gives back to money value invested. It is easy to install; thanks to the detailed instruction guide which has is issued at every purchase. The Mirage HID kit is certified world over and is manufactured alongside the set rules and regulations that defines or controls the motoring industry. Since it is plug_and_play, you are sure to enjoy the reinvigoration process. With its prices placed at the minimum, there is no reason why you shouldn’t have it fixed on your vehicle. The wide of colors it comes in provide a matching with the color of your car and its great sizes creates an opportunity for you to get the right xenon HID kit that fit well on your car. The Mitsubishi Mirage xenon HID kit lasts longer and has the capability to give 3 times brightness than the halogen bulbs. They give you surety of night safety whenever darkness sets in and the going isn’t appealing.MONTERO HID KIT (11)
When the going gets tough due to failing halogen car lights, do not waste time struggling to find your way in darkness and unbearable weather. Take advantage of the new Mitsubishi Montero xenon HID kit which contains ballast units that guarantees you a long lasting lighting effect. It is manufactured by skilled people and is typically designed to perform well in difficult situations such as tormenting weather and blinding darkness. The amount of light produced by this Montero xenon HID kit is not harmful to your eyes; it has a soothing effect that makes it possible for you to view every pierce of drama ahead hence avoid accidents. The appearance of xenon HID kit is just scintillating; it has a variety of colors (blue, purple, yellow and white) that makes your car look attractive and say goodbye to blurred vision at night. There installation is made easier by the guide issued to lead you through the fitting process. If you miss out on this savvy HID kit, you miss out on night safety and fulfilling rides when the weather looks dense and gloomy.OUTLANDER HID KIT (10)
Outlander HID Kit is one of Mitsubishi’s special conversion kit which come in quite a good number of specifications. The kit has special features that will give your car that spotty and catchy appearance that will definitely capture the attention of folks around. With improvements brought about by technology, outlander hasn’t been left out; it has been fixed with the xenon bubs which provide a clearer look than the traditional halogen bulbs. Xenon also lasts for a long period of time; basically it has a longer life span, than the halogen headlights. What’s more is that the installation process is all a simple process. The bottom line is that you will need to save just a little amount for the purchase of the HID Kit since it comes with amazing prices. Outlander HID Kit comes with a warranty as well which guarantees you of quality. Don’t miss out on this, give it a try today!RAIDER HID KIT (10)
This is an amazing kit that will ring a new beginning for your car. It comes in a variety of colors that will make your drive at night more comfortable and secure as well. This is basically because the raider HID kit provides the best night visibility, what’s even amazing is the fact that the xenon bulbs which have been incorporated in the kit lasts 12 time longer than the traditional halogen bulbs which have a shorter life span. Installing the raider HID kit is a simple process, and can be done all by yourself; you don’t need a professional to do the job for you. The horsepower produced by raider HID Kit is amazing and extremely usable. This is basically a great upgrade for your car, all you need id spare a small amount from your pocket and get one before its too late. The prices are cheaper and further come with a warranty just in case of any damages.SIGMA HID KIT (10)
Sigma HID Kit is one of the amazing products from Mitsubishi Company. This a true upgrade for your model, you will never realize what you have been missing not until you upgrade your car with this amazing conversion kit. Installing the kit is so simple; in fact you will be through with the installation within the shortest period of time. The prices for the kit are user friendly as well; you will need to spend a small amount of your savings to purchase the kit. Xenon, which is used in the kit, is a great way of bringing true elegance and style to your automobile. You will also have a safer drive especially at night or during foggy times; this is because of the custom lighting provided by the xenon bulbs. Basically, the xenon has replaced the traditional halogen bulbs which last for a shorter span than the xenon bulbs which have a longer life span.STARION HID KIT (10)
Good news to all Mitsubishi Starion owners. We sell heavy duty and top of the range Mitsubishi Starion HID Kit. The HID Kit is exclusively designed to solve all your light problems especially when driving during dark nights or the low visibility period. You have a reason to smile during the fall when the air is humid and sometimes making it difficult to see the road. Assuredly there is no reason to knock objects or to loose direction and plunge into a ditch if you could get these HID headlights and HID Conversion Kit to give you the brightest lights ever. The HID Kit has a proven ISO-9001 mark of quality making it the only HID Kit in the market with an international ovation. The E-Mark will make you see even clearer how it is unique. You don’t need to be worried, our prices are after market and whenever you buy the HID Kit or part of the Kit, you will certainly get a 1 year warranty. Installation is just simple and our installation manual will even make it easier.
Mitsubishi HID Kit come in many specification. Many different HID kit Xenon bulb sizes, many different HID kit Xenon bulb temperature degrees (which allow for different colors to be emitted). Mitsubishi HID kit bulb size: H1, H3, H4, H7, h13, 9004, 9005, 9006, 9007, D1S, D2S Mitsubishi HID kit bulb Temperature: 3000K (Golden Yellow) , 4300K (Bright White), 5000K (white), 6000K (Crystal White),8000K (Crystal Blue), 10000K (Aqua Blue), 12000K (Purple-Blue) Mitsubishi HID Kit allow the driver to have better night visibility, which would increase the safety of their driving abilities. Even though Mitsubishi HID Kit, are around $100 to $120 USD, it is definitely worth every dime. They last 12 times longer than the average Halogen bulb, which is about 3000 hours compared to 250 hours. Mitsubishi models include the Eclipse, Diamante, Mirage, Evolution, Endeavor, Lancer, Outlander, FTO, Galant and Raider.