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If you love your Dodge Magnum, enjoy driving it and simply want to improve it, we recommend you look no further than an HID upgrade. Though the Magnum hasn’t initiated a new wave of wagons, it certainly has had the biggest impact. In terms of looks, power and utility, there’s nothing else quite like a Magnum. For automotive shoppers looking for wagons or just desiring an SUV alternative, it’s the strongest contender. The best upgrade that you can give to your magnum is this HID kit, because it has all that it takes to make your car more enjoyable to drive. With the great looks, power and utility you cannot compare it with any other bulbs. The magnum hid kit relay will help you solve many other problems apart from making your car stand out from the rest. It will help display a headlight warning when illuminated and is fixed with auto on systems where you are experiencing trouble with the lights especially in cold weather. This HID kit is also easy to connect to your car and the wiring enables you to get power directly from the battery instead of using the connector.